Krewe of Wrecks
Pensacola Beach Mardi Gras Parade

Safety Rules
Any infringement of these rules can result in your float being completely excluded from parade participation. The Krewe member signing this sheet will be the contact person for the Krewe and the responsible party for the Krewe on parade day. These rules are for your safety as well as the visiting public coming to enjoy the parade.
Parking for Arrival
- Floats brought to the reserved parking lot on the Saturday afternoon before the parade, must check in with Sheriff’s personnel, the driver will be instructed where and how to park. No security will be provided overnight. Parked floats are left at their own risk. No floats are allowed prior to 3 p.m. on 3/1/2025 and no other floats will be allowed after 8 p.m. On parade day, this lot will be available at 9 a.m. for prepping floats etc… and all floats will vacate the parking lot by 1:00 p.m. No ‘non-tow’ vehicles will be permitted in the reserved parking lot.
- Floats can begin lining up at 11:30 a.m. and are required to line up in the order of arrival. No gaps or saving spots will be permitted. Deputies will be available to follow floats eastbound to block traffic in order to allow for safe, wide turn-arounds where the float driver selects. Floats will line up along the northern curb of the westbound lanes of Via de Luna. Throwing items to any spectator is prohibited while floats are in-route to lineup/staging.
- The staging area is a residential area, floats will keep music at a decent level. If a complaint is received, the Krewe’s responsible party will be subject to citation and/or ejection from the parade. This is a family friendly event. No loud or vulgar music.
- Do not block driveways or streets along the staging area. These are acceptable gaps.
- Sheriff’s deputies will be patrolling the lineup/staging area and along the entire route providing spectator control, ensuring public safety and compliance with these safety rules.
- The parade rolls PROMPTLY at 2:00PM. Floats may start throws upon reaching the barricades near Avenida 10. NO BARRICADES, NO THROWS!!
- If your float/krewe is not ready at 2 p.m. and/or does not immediately follow the float directly in front of you, deputies will allow floats behind you to proceed ahead of you. You may end up at the rear of the parade.
- Throws should be directed out into the crowd so as not to entice anyone to enter the roadway. Float riders should remain on the float, walkers should remain walking. Getting on or off the float while it’s moving creates an unnecessary safety hazard.
- The parade route starts at Avenida 10, proceeding west on Via de Luna and into the entrance lanes of Casino Beach parking lot, ending at the Pavilion (GSP). Floats will slowly pass the reviewing stand, but not stop, while throwing beads and similar items to the judges.
Drivers / Floats / Krewes
- Deputies will be present at parade lineup with a Portable Breath Tester. By rule, the designated float driver must blow .000 or the float will be eliminated from participating. Per Florida Statute, no open containers of alcohol are allowed in the tow vehicles. DRIVERS WILL NOT TOSS or HAND OUT THROWS FOR ANY REASON
- Drivers will maintain a safe and consistent distance between floats. Allowing large gaps between parading floats invites spectators to enter the roadway.
- Parade participants and Krewe members should use good judgment during the parade by not drinking to excess or displaying obvious alcohol containers.
Safety Observers/Walkers
- Each float is required to have a total of six (6) safety walkers. Three (3) safety walkers will be on each side of the entire tow/float setup. They will be at the tow vehicle’s side view mirrors, the hitch connection area and at the float’s wheels. Safety walkers must be at least 18 years old, sober, and will wear a reflective, bright colored safety vest.
- No one under the age of 18 or pets/animals are allowed to walk in the parade.
Parking for Departure / Conclusion
- All floats will enter the Casino Beach parking area (Beach Ball) after passing the review booth.
- If your float is immediately leaving the beach at the conclusion of the parade, you will pass the judge’s stand and enter the Casino parking lot. Unload where the deputy instructs you to and then depart at your discretion when it can be accomplished safely.
- Drivers must stay with floats that remain parked. Parked floats will be allowed to exit the parking lot at their discretion and when it can be accomplished safely. Persons consuming alcoholic beverages are prohibited from remaining in county parking lots, including on the floats. Violators are subject to citation and/or arrest. (Co. Ord. #6-63)
- All floats are required to leave the parking lot by 6 p.m.
- Before leaving the parking lot, make sure all trash is picked up, and placed in the appropriate container or the provided dumpsters. Please have an assigned person coordinate policing around your float.
- Do not stop to unload anyone/anything in the exit lanes of the Casino Beach parking lot. The driver will be cited for impeding traffic.
- If your float is immediately leaving the beach at the conclusion of the parade, you will pass the judge’s stand and enter the Casino parking lot. Unload where the deputy instructs you to and then depart at your discretion when it can be accomplished safely.